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The Republic of Tea Emperor’s White Tea Review

Dear Republic of Tea,

I recently tried your Emperor’s White Tea. Actually, I’ve been drinking it every afternoon for the past several days. It’s the first white tea I’ve tried that wasn’t blended with green tea or infused with flavor other than tea.

The steeping instructions you provide on the packaging (“just short of boiling” for 30–60 seconds) although contrary to other information I’ve read regarding water temperature and steep time for white tea, produced a satisfactory result.

Image of Emperor's White Tea from Republic of TeaJudging by the grassy aroma, I was worried the tea would have that pungent grassy quality typical among green tea varieties. This was not the case at all. No, your Emperor’s White Tea has a light, mellow flavor with a tiny hint of berry sweetness and a mild astringency.

Because of the low caffeine content, I don’t worry about staying up and peeing all night. And the tea bags make it easy to take this quality white tea on the road.

So thank you Republic of Tea for selling such a fine white tea product at a fair price.

Yours truly,

-Citizen Leo

Aroma: Vegetal, sweet
Body: Medium
Flavor: Smooth, slightly sweet, mild astringency
Color: Light Yellow

Author: Leo Kapusta

Responsible family man, digital content enthusiast, and lover of yoga, Leo sets aside a little time each day for tea and reflection. He works hard and relaxes even harder.

One thought on “The Republic of Tea Emperor’s White Tea Review”

  1. Your reviewed made me to try this white tea, specially the recipe you mentioned in detail, I was totally unaware of it. I also have a question on caffeine content of white tea, if you can write some article on it in near future. Thanks

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