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Dynasty Oolong Tea Review

Dynasty Oolong Tea Review

This equable brand-name tea from the same folks who bring us Chinese Restaurant Tea has been my afternoon beverage of choice (and circumstance) for the last three days. Thirteen more afternoons and the pack of 16 will be depleted.

There’s nothing fancy here, just a mild oolong with a roasted, earthy aroma and semi-sweet taste. I’ve discovered that I prefer this type of oolong — the darker variety that has undergone more oxidation and roasting — to the lighter variety which is closer to green tea. I suppose that’s how it goes when you start from a black tea point of view.

Aroma: Roasted wood, earthy
Body: Medium
Flavor: Mild and slightly sweet; a little like unsweetened chocolate
Color: Brown

Author: Leo Kapusta

Responsible family man, digital content enthusiast, and lover of yoga, Leo sets aside a little time each day for tea and reflection. He works hard and relaxes even harder.

One thought on “Dynasty Oolong Tea Review”

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience with the oolong tea. I too have a similar experience. These days most of my afternoons are filled with oolong tea and I find this as one of the best ways to relax my mind and body. And it is not just oolong tea, I drink other varieties like white, green etc.

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