I continue this journey through the teas of India courtesy of Golden Tips Tea Company. Several teas were covered in Part One; it took me a few more weeks to get through the rest of the samples. It’s a tough job having to try so many Darjeeling teas, but somebody’s gotta do it. Continue reading “Golden Tips Tea Company – Part Two”
Category: Black Tea
Golden Tips Tea Company – Part One
Tea produced in India can come from several regions, and Golden Tips Tea Company has them all covered. They sent me a small sampling of teas, which arrived in a carefully assembled package, boxed the usual way in cardboard but with an outer wrapping of firmly sewn muslin cloth with fancy wax seals.
Impressed already with the packaging, I couldn’t wait to start sipping. There’s no point in drilling into details such as tea leaf grade or flush; you can find all that information on the Golden Tips Tea website. Instead, I’ll just give my brief opinions of each tea. Continue reading “Golden Tips Tea Company – Part One”
Review: Tetley Extra Strong
A pack of Tetley Extra Strong arrived in the mail the other day, which is fine except I had actually ordered my beloved Tetley Blend of Both. I’d considered trying Extra Strong years ago but dismissed it as a kind of PG Tips wannabe with nothing special to offer.
Continue reading “Review: Tetley Extra Strong”
Fluoride and Tea: Should You Be Concerned?
The truth about fluoride in tea (and water) is a topic too important to ignore. Tea consumption used to be something I would limit solely based on daily caffeine intake. Nowadays, I take fluoride content into consideration as well. Continue reading “Fluoride and Tea: Should You Be Concerned?”
Yorkshire Tea (Red) Review
People are loyal to their tea brands. Mine is the best; all others taste like piss, so on and so forth.
This steadfastness is especially true for a certain category of tea known as English breakfast tea. It’s the genre that first got me into this whole tea drinking business, which is why it takes up so much space here on SecondCuppa.com. Continue reading “Yorkshire Tea (Red) Review”